Our Cambridge Masks meet a wide range of tests to ensure they are effective and safe to use for the whole family.
- Tested as child-safe under 14 U.S.C 1278a and CFR Parts 1370 1501 1500.53 and 1500.44 (Bay Area Testing Labs)
- 99.6% viral filtration efficiency and 99.7% bacterial filtration efficiency (tested by Nelson Labs USA)Particle Filtration Efficiency >98%
The Cambridge Mask uses a triple-layer filtration system that will protect from a range of airborne contaminants.
Test Performance:
- 99.6% average filtration of viruses
- 99.77% average filtration of bacteria
- 99.7% average particulate filtration down to 0.3 microns
We have our test results published on our website, please visit the link here.